Njuškii siskáldâsân

Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp
Šoddâm vyesimáánu 16. peeivi 1946 (ahe 78)
Šoddâmsaje Dorset, Eŋland
Aalmugjeessânvuotâ eŋlandlâš
Lávlumkielah eŋgâlâskielâ
Aktiivlâžžân 1968–
Genreh progressiivlâš rock
keččâlâddâmvuálásâš muusik
Čuojânâsah kiitaar, mellotron

Robert Fripp (š. vyesimáánu 16. peeivi 1946, Dorset, Eŋland, Ovtâstum kunâgâskodde) lii eŋlandlâš musikkár sehe progressiivlâš rock čuojâtteijee King Crimson -juávhu kitarist já áinoo pisovâš jeessân.


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King Crimson almostitmeh láá luvâttâllum juávhu jieijâs artikkâlist.
  • 1968 The Cheerful Insanity of Giles, Giles, and Fripp
  • 1973 No Pussyfooting (Brian Enoin)
  • 1975 Evening Star (Brian Enoin)
  • 1979 Exposure
  • 1981 God Save the Queen/Under Heavy Manners
  • 1981 The League of Gentlemen (League of Gentlemen)
  • 1981 Let the Power Fall: An Album of Frippertronics
  • 1982 I Advance Masked (Andy Summersáin)
  • 1984 Bewitched (Andy Summersáin)
  • 1985 Network
  • 1985 God Save the King (League of Gentlemen)
  • 1986 The League of Crafty Guitarists Live
  • 1986 The Lady or the Tiger (Toyah Willcoxáin)
  • 1993 The First Day (David Sylvianáin)
  • 1993 Kings
  • 1994 The Bridge Between (California Guitar Trio)
  • 1994 1999 Soundscapes: Live in Argentina
  • 1994 Damage (David Sylvianáin)
  • 1995 Intergalactic Boogie Express: Live in Europe...
  • 1995 A Blessing of Tears: 1995 Soundscapes, Vol. 2 (live)
  • 1995 Radiophonics: 1995 Soundscapes, Vol. 1 (live)
  • 1996 That Which Passes: 1995 Soundscapes, Vol. 3 (live)
  • 1996 Thrang Thrang Gozinbulx (live, League of Gentlemen)
  • 1997 November Suite: 1996 Soundscapes - Live at Green Park Station
  • 1997 Pie Jesu
  • 1998 The Gates of Paradise
  • 1998 Lightness: Music for the Marble Palace
  • 1999 The Repercussions of Angelic Behavior (Bill RieflináinTrey Gunnáin)
  • 2002 Pawn Shop Prize (Uncle Porky Can't Get No Talleráin)
  • 2004 The Equatorial Stars (Brian Enoin)


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