Njuškii siskáldâsân

Videospellâihe 1981


Videospellâihe 1981 kieđâvuš ive 1981 almostittum videospeelâid já videospellâmaailm merhâšittee tábáhtusâid.


[mute | mute käldee]

Uđđâ loostah

[mute | mute käldee]

Uđđâ finnoduvah

[mute | mute käldee]

Lopâttum finnoduvah

[mute | mute käldee]


[mute | mute käldee]

Merhâšittee almostitmeh

[mute | mute käldee]


[mute | mute käldee]


[mute | mute käldee]
  1. Willaert, Kate: Who won in the first game awards? 8.12.2020. Video Game History Foundation. Čujottum 9.1.2022. (eŋgâlâskielân)
  2. Fulton, Steve: Electronic Games: The Arnie Katz Interview 28.12.2009. Gamasutra. Čujottum 9.1.2022. (eŋgâlâskielân)
  3. Lee, Dave: Computer and Video Games online magazine facing closure 21.5.2014. BBC News. Čujottum 9.1.2022. (eŋgâlâskielân)
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8 The Arcade Awards, s. 39. Electronic Games, 1981. Tyeje nettiversio (PDF) (čujottum 9.1.2022). (eŋgâlâskielân)