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Publishers Weekly -loostâ listo 1960-lovvoost enâmustáá vuobdum romanijn Ovtâstum staatâin


Taat lii Publishers Weekly -loostâ listo 1960-lovvoost enâmustáá vuobdum romanijn Ovtâstum staatâin. Listo siskeeld puoh pivnohumos romanijd jyehi ive ivveest 1960 ihán 1969. The Bookman -loostâ almostitij listoid enâmustáá vuobdum romanijn Ovtâstum staatâin ivveest 1895 ihán 1912. Tastmaŋa listoid lii almostittâm Publishers Weekly -lostâ.[1]

  1. Advise and Consent, čällee: Allen Drury
  2. Hawaii, čällee: James A. Michener
  3. The Leopard, čällee: Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
  4. The Chapman Report, čällee: Irving Wallace
  5. Ourselves to Know, čällee: John O'Hara
  6. The Constant Image, čällee: Marcia Davenport
  7. The Lovely Ambition, čällee: Mary Ellen Chase
  8. The Listener, čällee: Taylor Caldwell
  9. Trustee from the Toolroom, čällee: Nevil Shute
  10. Sermons and Soda-Water, čällee: John O'Hara
  1. The Agony and the Ecstasy, čällee: Irving Stone
  2. Franny and Zooey, čällee: J. D. Salinger
  3. To Kill a Mockingbird, čällee: Harper Lee
  4. Mila 18, čällee: Leon Uris
  5. The Carpetbaggers, čällee: Harold Robbins
  6. Tropic of Cancer, čällee: Henry Miller
  7. Winnie Ille Pu, čällee: Alexander Lenard (Winnie the Pooh läättinkielâlâš jurgâlus, čällee: A. A. Milne)
  8. Daughter of Silence, čällee: Morris West
  9. The Edge of Sadness, čällee: Edwin O'Connor
  10. The Winter of Our Discontent, čällee: John Steinbeck
  1. Ship of Fools, čällee: Katherine Anne Porter
  2. Dearly Beloved, čällee: Anne Morrow Lindbergh
  3. A Shade of Difference, čällee: Allen Drury
  4. Youngblood Hawke, čällee: Herman Wouk
  5. Franny and Zooey, čällee: J. D. Salinger
  6. Fail-Safe, čälleeh: Eugene BurdickHarvey Wheeler
  7. Seven Days in May, čälleeh: Fletcher KnebelCharles W. Bailey II
  8. The Prize, čällee: Irving Wallace
  9. The Agony and the Ecstasy, čällee: Irving Stone
  10. The Reivers, čällee: William Faulkner
  1. The Shoes of the Fisherman, čällee: Morris West
  2. The Group, čällee: Mary McCarthy
  3. Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters, and Seymour-An Introduction, čällee: J. D. Salinger
  4. Caravans, čällee: James A. Michener
  5. Elizabeth Appleton, čällee: John O'Hara
  6. Grandmother and the Priests, čällee: Taylor Caldwell
  7. City of Night, čällee: John Rechy
  8. The Glass-Blowers, čällee: Daphne du Maurier
  9. The Sand Pebbles, čällee: Richard McKenna
  10. The Battle of the Villa Fiorita, čällee: Rumer Godden
  1. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, čällee: John le Carré
  2. Candy, čälleeh: Terry SouthernMason Hoffenberg
  3. Herzog, čällee: Saul Bellow
  4. Armageddon, čällee: Leon Uris
  5. The Man, čällee: Irving Wallace
  6. The Rector of Justin, čällee: Louis Auchincloss
  7. The Martyred, čällee: Richard E. Kim
  8. You Only Live Twice, čällee: Ian Fleming
  9. This Rough Magic, čällee: Mary Stewart
  10. Convention, čälleeh: Fletcher KnebelCharles W. Bailey II
  1. The Source, čällee: James A. Michener
  2. Up the Down Staircase, čällee: Bel Kaufman
  3. Herzog, čällee: Saul Bellow
  4. The Looking Glass War, čällee: John le Carré
  5. The Green Berets, čällee: Robin Moore
  6. Those Who Love, čällee: Irving Stone
  7. The Man with the Golden Gun, čällee: Ian Fleming
  8. Hotel, čällee: Arthur Hailey
  9. The Ambassador, čällee: Morris West
  10. Don't Stop the Carnival, čällee: Herman Wouk
  1. Valley of the Dolls, čällee: Jacqueline Susann
  2. The Adventurers, čällee: Harold Robbins
  3. The Secret of Santa Vittoria, čällee: Robert Crichton
  4. Capable of Honor, čällee: Allen Drury
  5. The Double Image, čällee: Helen MacInnes
  6. The Fixer, čällee: Bernard Malamud
  7. Tell No Man, čällee: Adela Rogers St. Johns
  8. Tai-Pan, čällee: James Clavell
  9. The Embezzler, čällee: Louis Auchincloss
  10. All in the Family, čällee: Edwin O'Connor
  1. The Arrangement, čällee: Elia Kazan
  2. The Confessions of Nat Turner, čällee: William Styron
  3. The Chosen, čällee: Chaim Potok
  4. Topaz, čällee: Leon Uris
  5. Christy, čällee: Catherine Marshall
  6. The Eighth Day, čällee: Thornton Wilder
  7. Rosemary's Baby, čällee: Ira Levin
  8. The Plot, čällee: Irving Wallace
  9. The Gabriel Hounds, čällee: Mary Stewart
  10. The Exhibitionist, čällee: Henry Sutton
  1. Airport, čällee: Arthur Hailey
  2. Couples, čällee: John Updike
  3. The Salzburg Connection, čällee: Helen MacInnes
  4. A Small Town in Germany, čällee: John le Carré
  5. Testimony of Two Men, čällee: Taylor Caldwell
  6. Preserve and Protect, čällee: Allen Drury
  7. Myra Breckinridge, čällee: Gore Vidal
  8. Vanished, čällee: Fletcher Knebel
  9. Christy, čällee: Catherine Marshall
  10. The Tower of Babel, čällee: Morris West
  1. Portnoy's Complaint, čällee: Philip Roth
  2. The Godfather, čällee: Mario Puzo
  3. The Love Machine, čällee: Jacqueline Susann
  4. The Inheritors, čällee: Harold Robbins
  5. The Andromeda Strain, čällee: Michael Crichton
  6. The Seven Minutes, čällee: Irving Wallace
  7. Naked Came the Stranger, čällee: Penelope Ashe
  8. The Promise, čällee: Chaim Potok
  9. The Pretenders, čällee: Gwen Davis
  10. The House on the Strand, čällee: Daphne du Maurier


[mute | mute käldee]

  1. Hackett, Alice Payne & Burke, James Henry: 80 Years of Bestsellers: 1895–1975, s. 3, 74–88. New York: R.R. Bowker Company, 1977. ISBN ISBN 0-8352-0908-3.
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Algâalgâlâš artikkâl: en:Publishers Weekly list of bestselling novels in the United States in the 1960s